Saturday, June 04, 2005

I knew that face....twice

Alright, so I went to the video store to rent a movie. One of the people who works there happens to be a guy who I graduated with. I saw him after the class reunion back in Sept. We didn't really talk much that night, just exchanged what we had been up to and Hello's. He ended up sleeping in his truck I believe, but that's a whole other story, one I don't even know all the details on.

So turns out he was engaged at the time I saw him in Sept. When asked if he was married now, he just shot me "the glare". Oops. I always stick my foot way down my throat. He asked if I was still married, I told him that indeed I was divorced. The whole point of me even mentioning this is I just think it's funny how life for a lot of totally different people can turn out to be the same sometimes. He said he was married for 5 years too. Coincidence?!

He kept using my name when he would talk to me and I noticed that the guy in line checking out at his register kept looking over at me. As if he knew me. Of course, I didn't recognize him....or did I? Yes. I did. I know that face...but he was with two girls probably about 10 years old. So who was it???

Beats the hell out of me, but I know I know him and I'm sure he knew me too for the amount of times he looked at me. He had to think he knew me too. In most cases I would have opened my big mouth and asked for his name, but I had this gut feeling that he was not someone I wanted to talk to. I think he may have been someone who like me or else I did him wrong. Oh well. It's in the past and I'm leaving it there.


Blogger Flash said...

Always a bit of a worry that, isn't it?

June 05, 2005 5:22 AM  
Blogger Hyde said...

Have you figured it out yet? Who was it?

June 05, 2005 8:34 AM  

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