Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Happy Belated Flashy!

So, I've been doing some clean up around the PC. I've deleted all of the history on all of my IM messages and I've been cleaning up around some saved files as well.

I came across a file I had saved as "Flash". I knew before opening what it was, but yet I opened and read a bit. I looked at the date that I saved it, it was 11/13/04. I bet you might be wondering readers what it was. It was the very first and only one of a few IM conversations that Flash and I have had. It by far was the best, the longest, the latest and the most fun one in my memory.

I am so lucky that you blessed me with your presence here in blog world and if that God damn Atlantic Ocean wasn't in the way, we would have met.

Anyway, this entry is in memory of that IM and how much it means to me still to this day and how much your emails and kind words over the last year and a few months have meant to me. You are such an inspiration to me, as is everyone else who has graced me here on the blog circuit.

Life without Flash would be like going blind : )

Thanks so much!



Blogger Hyde said...

Yay! Good friends make life sweet.



November 16, 2005 1:18 PM  
Blogger Alecya G said...

Welcome back!

That is so cute that you save the IM conversations.

Hope thigns are looking up. I know about the CC. I had paid mine off a couple years ago and they keep sending me offers for new ones. i cut up the old one and am avoiding new ones at all costs.

November 16, 2005 1:32 PM  
Blogger Flash said...

Aaaaw! I too remember that IM with much fondness & it has only been that bastard money that has stopped me coming to see you.
But you knew that already!

Finding you was the will of fate & as such I owe fate a massive debt of gratitude.


November 16, 2005 2:11 PM  

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