Monday, September 12, 2005

Double post day~

Ok, I have been neglecting this blog as of late. I have no real reason other than I just feel unsettled here.

I don't want to talk about my personal life, because it's just that. Personal.

I am not overly happy nor overly sad. I keep reading my usual friends blogs and I find myself getting pissy when I read them. It's so bizarre to be that I can feel these peoples emotions through a computer screen. When you are sad, I'm sad, when you are happy, I tend to be happier.

It's been a little over a year ago that I had my first regular commenter. Flash. Obviously if you read my blog then you are a reader of his as well. He seems to be in anguish lately. Thus, that might be why I'm in anguish too. Do not fell guilty Flash for it's not your fault.

I will not abandon this blog, but I need to sit back and reflect what it is I'm doing here, in blogland. I don't feel like I belong anymore. I don't want to be emotionally run by what other people say and do. I want to have control over my own emotions and my own thoughts. I have been happy and sad and pissed off and hurt, loved, been loved, cheated with, cheated on. Granted these things were all done to or by one of you in blog land. I know those things have happened to me too, but I chose not to blog about them.


Blogger Flash said...

Not here baby, all is good in World of Flash & I want you to feed off that!

September 12, 2005 3:16 PM  
Blogger Chapstick said...

I know where you are coming from here sunshine, Strangly enough for a CompSci major, I dislike e-mail, instant messaging, and blogs. They don't offer nearly the same connection that a face-to-face conversation gives. I worry that our society is realying too much on nonpersonal communication, and that I will also become far to reliant on it. I wouldn't even have my blog if I could find a better way to vent to people I don't know. ((and now i have a post to write on nonpersonal communications and how they become personal.))

September 12, 2005 10:55 PM  
Blogger Hyde said...


I think you're just a sensitive girl who loves her friends and is going through a transition. Whenever I'm in transition, good or bad, I always feel more emotional and more subject to being impacted by other people's emotions. I hate the feeling of knowing that I want something, but not being sure of what it is. When I get like that, I sometimes take other people's stuff very personally. I'm glad you're still reading, and blogland will be here for you whether you give it your time now, or take some time off. It should only be a good thing!
No other reason to do it. I, for one, am super thankful for your support over the past six months or so...

:) :) :)


September 13, 2005 11:34 AM  
Blogger Charby said...

I'm grateful for your support too! In all the little day-to-day traumas of my life!

September 13, 2005 12:15 PM  

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