Monday, August 22, 2005


Well, very intersting answers. Spinsterwitch asked twice if this was some kind of question that would have analysis later.


Not really, but kinda. I just find it a very interesting and spontaneous question that I like to ask newly accquianted people I meet. I think it gives you a little bit of an idea of what kind of personality a person has or a favorite animal, ie. dolphins.

We did also learn that Charbs and Flash do not have showers, but baths in London.

That Chapstick has had two different shower curtains in a matter of a week.

Some people don't have a curtain but rather glass...exhibitionists???

I just like to ask it mid conversation or when there is an odd silence in a conversation, it gets people thinking and usually winds up starting more conversation.

I'm actually thinking of changing mine seasonally.

By the way, I have butterflies on mine.

I think maybe snowmen in winter?

Maybe I'll think of another stupid question that will get me 10 legitimate comments and one spam one.

Let me think for a few days......Or suggest any here in my comments or put them on your own blogs.

Take Care


Blogger HistoryGeek said...

I'm quite neurotic at times, aren't I? I must always search for the meaning...even in a shower curtain.

August 22, 2005 1:52 PM  
Blogger Charby said...

Best chat up line used or heard?

Best I ever got was a bloke dropping an ice-cube on the floor next to me and stamping on it and then turning to me saying "Right, now I've broken the ice....."

August 22, 2005 2:23 PM  

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