Friday, July 29, 2005

The Answer is....

"Not a flugalbinder after all"

What are those things on the end of shoolaces anyway?


1) A tag or sheath, as of plastic, on the end of a lace, cord, or ribbon to facilitate its passing through eyelet holes.

2) A similar device used for an ornament.

I'm such a dork. I was always told/taught that the little plastic tip of a shoelace is called a flugalbinder. Apparently I'm not the only one.

Fun fact of the year!


Blogger Charby said...

And theres me thinking its just a bit of plastic that I used to pull off and chew when i was little.

July 29, 2005 6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason why you think that the peice of platic on the endd of you shoelace is a flugalbinder is because the person who told you this fact has seen cocktail starring tom cruise.

November 10, 2006 11:23 AM  

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