Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here we go again....

Yes, I got the PJ tickets. What a stressful 10 minutes. I was a refresh whore. Hitting that button every single second I could. It was finally 10:03 am when they were up for sale. Me and a friend of mine were out for blood. She was trying on her side, I was trying on mine. We were IM'ing each other, with updates. Nothing. Neither of us were having success...3 min....2 min....1 min. Damn. The stress was mounting. I was beginning to sweat. Then, just like that, it happened to my friend....NO AVAILABLE TICKETS!!!....No.... screen flipped....What???? Tickets!!!!!

I was somehow successful in acquiring 2 tickets in what will probably be the worst seats in the place, but who cares...I'M GOING TO SEE PEARL JAM....They are side view seats. Music isn't always visual. Besides, I have seen them before and had decent seats to the last show, it's all about the music with them anyway.

Did I get a sitter....Hmmmmm.....To make a long story short.


The "X" is going to watch his daughter. Though it took some effort on my part. A 30 minute conversation at 7:30 am Friday morning. He really does do a lot to help me out and free up some time for me, but it's not a "favor" as he calls it. It's his daughter. Anyway, sore subject.

Lesson Learned.....Determination pays off. In the form of PJ tickets.


Blogger Flash said...

Why the heck would you want to sit down?
Down the front, on yer feet, in the pit; tis the only place to be!

Still glad it came through for you.

August 11, 2005 1:35 PM  
Blogger HistoryGeek said...

Sounds great!

August 11, 2005 2:45 PM  
Blogger Hyde said...

Awesome! I love that expression--a "refresh whore." Have fun at the concert. I'll give you a call tomorrow night or this weekend...



August 11, 2005 3:36 PM  
Blogger Charby said...

Hope you have a great time!

August 11, 2005 6:58 PM  
Blogger feitclub said...

Technically speaking, it is a "favor" in that you want to go somewhere and he's going to watch her during that time period. He may have made other plans. However, it is a "favor" he should be happy to do! So I hope he doesn't expect some kind of ludicrous reimbursement. That would be mean to both you and your daughter.

Hope you enjoy the show! I haven't been to a rock concert in years.

August 12, 2005 1:00 PM  
Blogger Charby said...

we rock.
you rock.

August 14, 2005 7:24 PM  

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