Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Wow, I forgot my password it's been so long.

Anyway, I'm actually doing very well these days. I have been going to the gym faithfully. I feel really good about that. My legs are still getting sore, but I don't feel anything on upper body. I think I need to try a few more pounds and a few new excersises.

I had another good weekend. I saw the Pink Panther. I wasn't really excited about going to see it, but it ended up being rather funny. I enjoyed myself, the popcorn was not as good as I had hoped for :(

Work is so slow, I have nothing to do. Nothing.

I got another random phonecall this past Friday. The guy said I called him? Huh? That my phone # was in his phone? I didn't know anyone by his name. He proceeded to ask me what I looked like, if I was single, and if I wanted to go out on a date sometime. I declined, but I did keep his # (just incase I ever need a date).

The X and I had to spend some time together this past Friday (only and hour), but I was left feeling....nothing. Yay! I was worried it would be awkward (it was) and that I might have all these feeling flood back. But not at all. I actually kinda let some info that I knew about him slip, which upset him, and rightfully so. So on Sunday we had about a 30 min heart to heart. I apologized for all the hurt I caused him, but also let him know I made the right decision and I stand firm on not going back to him. The reason I had to call him on Sunday in the first place was to ask him if he could watch our daughter for a week in July so I could take a vacation alone!! He agreed.

On Monday, he watched her so I could take my parents out for a nice dinner and upon me picking her up he crossed the line. I was strapping our daughter into her carseat and he came up behind me and smacked my ass. I let it go. I hurried up and finished belting her in and got in the car. I ignored it. I probably should have addressed it and let him know that was not acceptable, but I was too shocked.

Yesterday, I heard nothing from him, then today he emailed me and told me the following:

If you ever need to talk about anything, need a ride somewhere or need a hug, just let me know. Sometimes I need a hug. One more thing, don't ever and I mean ever think for a minute that your not beautiful & sexy. Plus your very smart. I don't think I'll ever get over the feelings I had for you. Have a nice day. Oh I forgot, Flight Plan was good

I did not respond. Why can't I just be left to move on. I'm doing that. I've found someone with whom I happy. I'm finally living for me! ME!!

Ok, back to looking busy at work.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Today has been strange by far...

12:34 am...I am awoken by beeping noises, I think that they are the smoke detectors going off, and so I briefly panic. I run down the hall looking for flames. Nothing. I go back into my room and I check my cell phone...yep....I was getting a Direct Connect call. I try to alert them back. They answer but have trouble understanding me. I go back to bed. They alert me again. I exchange few words, but don't really understand what the other person is saying.

6:28, wake up 2 min before the alarm is suppose to go off, not that this is weird, but I remember saying to myself before bed last night, that I wanted to wake up at 6:29, I'll work on my timing for tomorrow.

10:30-12:00 - Sit at my work desk and stare blankly into space.

12:05 - Alert that person who alerted me in the middle of the night. I have to get to the bottom of this.

12:41 - I finally get my alert answered. Long story short. It's a guy who tells me his name is Jonathan. He does not know my name, but insists that I gave him my #. That is ridiculous, 1. I haven't ever given my DC # out. Secondly, I don't know any Jonathans. I tell him I just called him back to find out how he got my # and what he wanted. He asks if we can get together sometime. I tell him that I am not single, and he says that we can still talk. I told him he could drunk dial me but that I'm not always availabe. I guess that didn't sound good, now that I read it. Oops. I ask him to tell me what I look like since he still insists I gave him my #. He says " You're white " This signifies to me that he is not. I ask him what color my hair is. He say's "Blonde" I said "Wrong" He says, "Brown" I said wrong, Cause I thought he said blonde again. I asked him how many colors he was going to go thru til he got it right. He says " You girls change your hair color every other week how am I suppose to know what color it is today"

That was the end of the convo, I put my phone to silent. I don't want to be bothered by this guy. I will not contact him again. I hope he doesn't bother me again either, if he does, I'll request that he stop alerting me. That's all I need... a stalker.

Other than that I had a very nice weekend w/ the b/f. It was a busy one. I took him to a very nice restaurant and paid. Brownie points for me. I'm finally after 6 months accepting the fact that I like him a little bit. I don't know if I'll ever get past that feeling though. I look at him more as a friend than anything else. It's very weird to me that I don't have a lot of feelings either way for him. By now I'm usually head over heels about a guy I'm with this long, hell, 3 months usually. Does that mean this is for real or am I numb now since I've loved and been hurt?? I think so. I don't think I'll ever allow myself to get close to someone again. I mean for real. Love = Hurt.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I finally did it!

I joined the gym last night. Proud of me Alecya? Don't be until I tell you that I am actually going.

Other than that I'm good. This weekend marks 6 months seeing the same guy. So much for the single life. It's going good, but getting a bit routine. I don't think I like routine.

The Super Bowl, I am going to be rooting for the Seahawks...even though they probably won't win, and if they don't I know someone who will rub it in my face for a day or two, right C!

I'm at work and I got busted once already today on the net, so toodles.