Monday, August 22, 2005

Another Random Question....

This question is courtesy of Charby!!

Best chat up line used or heard?

Best I ever got was a bloke dropping an ice-cube on the floor next to me and stamping on it and then turning to me saying "Right, now I've broken the ice....."

That was Charby's response.

The two that were brought up at work the other day were...

"Are you from Tennessee?"
" Because you're the only 10 I see"


"Did you just fall from Heaven?"
"Cause I see stars in your eyes."

I have a story about a guy 'hitting' on me, but I'll save it for later. I'm at work now.

Thanks Charbs!


Well, very intersting answers. Spinsterwitch asked twice if this was some kind of question that would have analysis later.


Not really, but kinda. I just find it a very interesting and spontaneous question that I like to ask newly accquianted people I meet. I think it gives you a little bit of an idea of what kind of personality a person has or a favorite animal, ie. dolphins.

We did also learn that Charbs and Flash do not have showers, but baths in London.

That Chapstick has had two different shower curtains in a matter of a week.

Some people don't have a curtain but rather glass...exhibitionists???

I just like to ask it mid conversation or when there is an odd silence in a conversation, it gets people thinking and usually winds up starting more conversation.

I'm actually thinking of changing mine seasonally.

By the way, I have butterflies on mine.

I think maybe snowmen in winter?

Maybe I'll think of another stupid question that will get me 10 legitimate comments and one spam one.

Let me think for a few days......Or suggest any here in my comments or put them on your own blogs.

Take Care

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

? of the day.....

What is currently the design or picture or look of your shower curtain?

Monday, August 15, 2005


Three phonecalls to Flash - Priceless

A little over an hour in total of time spent talking to Flash - Priceless

Hearing his voice "live" - Priceless

Phonebill for that pleasure - $ 170.00

Honestly, money well spent!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here we go again....

Yes, I got the PJ tickets. What a stressful 10 minutes. I was a refresh whore. Hitting that button every single second I could. It was finally 10:03 am when they were up for sale. Me and a friend of mine were out for blood. She was trying on her side, I was trying on mine. We were IM'ing each other, with updates. Nothing. Neither of us were having success...3 min....2 min....1 min. Damn. The stress was mounting. I was beginning to sweat. Then, just like that, it happened to my friend....NO AVAILABLE TICKETS!!!....No.... screen flipped....What???? Tickets!!!!!

I was somehow successful in acquiring 2 tickets in what will probably be the worst seats in the place, but who cares...I'M GOING TO SEE PEARL JAM....They are side view seats. Music isn't always visual. Besides, I have seen them before and had decent seats to the last show, it's all about the music with them anyway.

Did I get a sitter....Hmmmmm.....To make a long story short.


The "X" is going to watch his daughter. Though it took some effort on my part. A 30 minute conversation at 7:30 am Friday morning. He really does do a lot to help me out and free up some time for me, but it's not a "favor" as he calls it. It's his daughter. Anyway, sore subject.

Lesson Learned.....Determination pays off. In the form of PJ tickets.

Monday, August 08, 2005


By some twist of fate, I was able to purchase tickets to see Pearl Jam, the show is sold out, it sold out right away.

Granted, the seats I have are pretty much shit, but they are seats none the less. I will have a side view of the band, but who cares. I just want to hear them!!!

I can't wait.


I can't believe I have new commenters, thanks to Mr. Mystic and DOJ. Now I better step up my posts so that I can keep you guys around. : )

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Can't Find a Better Man"

Oh Dear. I want to go see Pearl Jam on Oct 3rd. Potential issues.

1. It's a Monday....have to take the day off work.
2. It's a Monday....have to find a sitter.
3. It's a Monday....have to come to work Tuesday.
4. It's a Monday...would have to ask X to watch her and I dread having to ask for "a favor" as he puts it.

I even found someone who is willing to with me. A girlfriend. She actually went to see them with me the last time. Pearl Jam is by far one of my favorite bands and we had an awesome time there.

Tickets go on sale this Sat. I might just have to suck it up and ask the X if he can keep her overnight that night.

I'll let you know if I get them or not!!!