Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Unreliable Strikes Again

Here is the email I received late last night, but was sent to my work address, so I only got it today.

I am really sorry. I have been trying to find the tickets and there is honestly nowhere that I haven't already checked multiple times. The thing is that I wasn't the one that lost them, K was....but I know that in the end I will be the one at fault as always, and that is okay because I am used to it. Like I said, it was the one thing I had been looking forward to. Then I will pay you the $85 as soon as I get paid. I truly am sorry for the inconvenience. Nothing ever works out for me. I'll probably will be without a job soon too....made another wrong choice. I am sorry if you feel like I did this on purpose...I honestly to tell you the truth I just didn't have the heart to tell you personally on the phone....this week has been a really horrible week for me, and just didn't have much strength left....I'll get the money to you as soon as I possibly can.

I think she should just quit while she is ahead.

I did do a drive by last night, and I would have stopped if K's car would have been in the driveway, but it wasn't. I got ice cream instead. : )

Tuesday, October 25, 2005





I am so sorry for not being able to get back to you sooner. My life is totally caotic right say the least. First of all I hope you won't totally hate me.....There is just no way I can still go up to PSU with you. This is the one thing that I have been looking forward to for how long now. I truly mean that, and it makes me sad that I can't do it anymore.....K must have accidentally thrown the tickets away when he cleaned his freaking office! I've turned this house upside down, including going through the trash and everything. I was watching ebay to see if I could still grab us another set of tickets, and I am just so in hock up to my butt in car expenses. I've got my deductable, and the rental difference.....which puts me $400 behind....which I literally do not have! My new job is totally horrible so far....I am so exhausted and depressed and upset over the job situation in itself and then the car, and then on top of all that, the tickets!!!!!!!!!! I didn't want to tell you what happened because I wanted to straighten it out first, which I know now is completely impossible.

I am so very sorry! I won't blame you if you'll hate me, because I actually hate me right now. I cried to my parents on Sat. about it....everything just really couldn't be any worse. I actually felt like calling off sick already this morning, which is NOT A GOOD SIGN! I am that tired, and only got 2 hours sleep last night.....I'm just stressed and upset....and have fought with K a few times this past week because of the tickets. Whatever you do please don't call here and leave any kind of message on my machine about this.....I couldn't stand another argument with him! I told him I felt that he owed me another set of tickets! I promise you I will pay for the $65 as soon as I get paid. If I weren't broke enough, I am still between pay checks! I already borrowed $60 from my parents for food! I am so upset. I love PSU and wanted to go up there with you in the worst way! Please forgive me Sunshine, I truly am so very sorry! I will be home alone all weekend, so if you would ever feel like still hanging out with me...I would still love that.

Ok, now seriously, do you believe her?? I don't. I wouldn't be surprised if she is going without me. I replied to her the following.

I am upset that you lost the tickets. If they turn up in the next 3 days, let me know. If it's a matter of you not being able to afford to go, then I will buy your ticket from you. If you can't find them, you actually owe me $85. It was $65 for the PJ tickets, then I gave you $20 in cash.

I wish you would have called me and personally talked to me about this and not in an email.

I guess I'll have to get over it, but I am dissappointed.

I kept it dignified. We'll see what she has to say. I changed around my whole plans for the weekend because of this. I have been planning for 2 months to go on this trip.

Opinions on how I should handle this situation? I want to call her house, I have a feeling she doesn't want me too, because she is lying to me and K (her boyfriend) will answer and tell me the truth.

I'm pissed off!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Mondays Suck!

I'm in a pissy mood, I shouldn't even be writing. I get in these moods once in a while and it's usually not a good thing for anyone who is in my path of destruction. I can't explain it. I'm just an emotional mess. I sat up and had a good cry with myself last night. If you are a guy reading this, you just won't understand why. I started to think about the past couple of years of my life and where they ended up taking me and where I wanted to end up going. There was a fork in that road. I hate that I have big dreams and little ambition to back them up. I need to stop saying I'm going to do things and actually do them. When I do that I feel better about life in general. The cold weather does not help my initiative. I'm lonely lately. I'm tired all the time. I'm not eating healthy at all. I'm lethargic. This weekend I am going to Penn State to sit in the cold and watch a college football team. I'm looking forward to it, to actually be getting out of this town, but I'm dreading it at the same time. It's a long day. Making a 4 hour car drive each way, sitting in the cold, eating on the road, drinking in a parking lot. I hope I don't have to drive, but the girl I'm suppose to be going with is not returning my emails, or my phone calls, this is making me nervous. It's the same girl I went to the Pearl Jam concert with. I just hate not knowing what is going on, I know it's only Monday and I have 4 more days yet to get the details ironed out, but she is not the most dependable, or predtictable person. She could decide to back out completly, say she can't afford it or something like that. She has a tendency to back out at the last minute. She just started a job last Monday, so I can hear her using the excuse she didn't get a paycheck yet. I'm not footing her portion of the bill. I don't mind if I have to drive now, and pay for all the gas, but I won't buy her food for her. It's not going to be a cheap day. I really can't afford it either, the only reason I said I would go in the first place is because I have never been to a game before and she sounded so excited to go. Now she won't even call me back. Grrrr. See, I'm being bitchy.

Oh well, that was a hell of a run on paragraph. I just want to curl up in my bed and pull the covers up to my neck and stare into space with sad songs playing in the background.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Vinegar VS Skunk?

I meant to write this on Tuesday when it all took place, but stupid life got in the way of my blogging duties.

I was at an office on Tuesday evening and I had my darling daughter along. She decided to be enquisitive and pick up a container that just happened to have holes in the top and contain a vinegar like/smelling substance. She proceeded to act all girly and drama like, while I tried to find a bathroom and clean up the mess. I found the bathroom first but by then the vinegar had soaked into her shirt all the way up to the elbow. Great. She's whining about the smell and holding her hand out, like it's got 20 spiders on it. I'm just trying to not breath. I get her hand washed and hold paper towels on the sleeve. Have a mentioned the STINK? I grab a few extra paper towel and head back to the scene of the accident. Clean up what I can. I luckily was on my way out of the building when all this took place, so I could just exit after the spill was cleaned up. In my car it only got worse. It's kinda chilly here and it was dark, 7 pm and I was in a "not so good" section of a neighborhood. I couldn't roll down my window it was too cold. I couldn't turn on the heat, the smell would just get worse. She's complaining of the odor, I'm still holding my breath. I keep telling her that she should not touch things that do not belong to her. I tell her when we get home to take her shirt off. I speed home as fast as legally possible : ) Once in the door the shirt was off, and in the washer immediatly.

I prefer roadkill skunk over kid w/ vinegar on shirt any day of the week.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Stuck at home...

Here I sit at my laptop just as my daughter is waking up from her nap. She didn't sleep well at all last night. She was up atleast once an hour crying for me, so needless to say I didn't sleep much either. I got us both up and dressed, sat her down at the breakfast table while I finished getting ready, as I was about to leave she comes into the bathroom and starts vomiting. Great. I can't take her to daycare throwing up, they will send her right home. I called off work. When I called my boss she said she was sick and not going in either.

So here I sit in the afternoon still in my pj's. My daughter is going away with her dad for the evening, so I have a free couple of hours. I ended up being very productive early this morning. I cleaned the entire bathroom from top to bottom and did 5 loads of laundry. I'm kinda thankful for this day, my daughter is feeling a lot better now and I got the housework done that I would have been stuck doing this Saturday. Everything works out for a reason. I have Friday off too. Yay!

I'm going to go watch cartoon with her because really there is no better way to spend a dreary afternoon. Kids have their advantages. I got to use a sick day to stay at home and clean, nap and spend quality time with my daughter. I usually feel bad about knocking off, but not today. She was sick and I'm not feeling 100% myself.

One more day of work this week and it should go fast because I have something to finish up.

Probably won't post again until Sunday night or Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Can anyone see this? Comment? Please, I get a white screen when I try to pull up my blog?


Saturday, October 08, 2005

"Brunettes have more fun"

Ok. Is that true? I sure as hell hope so. I am wearing a T-shirt today that states that very opinion/fact. I never thought I would buy such a shirt let alone wear it outside the house, but I did today. It's all about confidence. I think I can pull it off. I think it would be awesome if I could find one small enough to fit my daughter. That would be funny. To me anyway.

Since I have two new readers I thought it would be a good time to explain the idea of where my blog name came from and then I thought it would be a good idea to hear from everyone who reads this, how or where they came up with theirs.

My story is simple and means a lot to me. I had it posted here a long time ago, about a year ago when I constructed the original untouched version, but that was deleted and so here I go again w/ the story.

Wingring's origin - A long time ago, back in 1990-1991 I hung out with a bunch of good guys. One of them I actually am still very close to. There was this one kid, E, who always had a crush on me. He was the one in the group that everyone picked on. I never really paid much attention to him, I had a crush on one of the other guys in the group. One day he asked me to marry him, we were 16, he proposed with a ring - a ring from the cracker jacks box - This was no ordinary ring. It was a wingring. It was a little cardboard "ring" that you had to put together and when assembled it was an airplane. I did accept the ring. However, somehow, and I don't remember how anymore, he ended up getting the ring back. One day about 3 years later he showed me that he still had in in a jar. How sweet : ) And that is the story of wingring. I am very connected to my friends and my youth. It is who I am and where I come from.

So please share how you came up with the titles for your blog.

Friday, October 07, 2005


I'm blah today.

I've been doing a little thinking about my future. It is freaking me out. I haven't slept much the last two nights.

I was up watching "The Pelican Brief from 1:21 to 3:00 am last night, then I went and laid in bed for another 30 minutes. The more I tried to keep my eyes closed the more they wanted to stay open.

I've decided to take myself out of the world of instant messaging. I'm going to call the gym and get my ass signed up in the next week.

I hope it's just the rainy weather that is making me feel this way. If that's the case, I'm in trouble. They are calling for rain all weekend.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The rest of yesterday

I flashed my co worker accidentally.

I was talking to her, and I went to raise my hand, and my fingers caught the edge of my shirt and up to my neck it went. I was so embarrassed. We laughed about it. She did compliment me on my bra. : )

See, I'm graceful.

Secondly, my friend from the concert sent me an email apologizing for her irrational behavior at the concert. Whatever, like I said yesterday, it didn't ruin my night. I'm just glad she saw it in herself.

I had a pretty good night. I didn't sleep well though.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Concert....

My girlfriend arrived almost on time, to pick me up. We headed out. We made excellent time, got down there at 5:15, doors opened at 6. We hadn't eaten anything, so we stopped to check out Chickie & Petes. It's the # 3 rated Sports bar in the US. It was large, and very neat in there. Definitaly could tell it was a sports bar, but those are my kind of places. We split two appetizers and each had a drink. We hung out to kill time there, left around 6:15. Headed over to the stadium and got excellent parking, though we were asked to move the car back a row, as we seemed to be parked 3 deep. Oh well. So then the drinks came out. I apparently made mine strong. Perfect. The girl I went with made hers, then spilled about 1/4 of it, probably all the alcohol. We finished our first drinks and then mixed another that we split. As we were drinking this drink we were also making our way through the parking lot to see what the show had to offer in terms of "hot" guys for my friend to "try" to flirt with. Anyway, that proved pointless. By now it was nearly 8 and we both had to find the potty's. We headed inside, checked out the shirts they were selling. Nothing to get all wet over. So we headed up the escalator to find our seat section. We found them, so we hit the bathrooms next. Once in our seats ( concert seats ) we realized we didn't have that great of a view, which we already knew, but the show sold out in 2 minutes so we were lucky just to get there. Here's where I'll get into the drama of the whole night.

First of all, you need to understand my friend a bit. She really does mean well, but she is a bit of an annoyance. I know why no guy can stand dating her. One night is usually all I can take once a month or so. She complains about everything. She is about 5'2" and 110 lbs, soaking wet. She use to be in better shape, actually in competions, and I think she weighed about 95lbs back then. So she thinks she is fat. Ok, that makes me a hippo, if she's fat. Help me out Mmmmm, I'm not a heffer. Or am I? Moving on.

We get in our seats and she's complaining that she can't see the people in front of us are standing up, next it was "people can't stand in the aisle." "Where is security" " They can't smoke in here" "The smoke is giving me a headache, hurting my eyes." " I can't see." That is some of the complaints. Then she has to go to the bathroom about 5 songs in, and I offer to go with, she asks me to ask the guy behind us to make sure no one takes our seats. ??? We have tickets, duh. I do, just to shut her up and make her feel better. We get back from the bathroom and sure enough people are in our seats. Now, we have the two aisle seats, which I thought was nice, we didn't have to climb over people to get to our seats. My friend had the aisle seat. She's all huffy puffy over people being in our seats. I merely say " Hey, you are in our seats, can you move over". There was room and so they did. Problem solved. I am getting into the music, and I can see her huffing next to me, I ask her what's wrong, she points out some chick who is in the aisle dancing and flaring her arms about. My friend gets annoyed at that and that she still can't see and now she's complaining she can't hear what the singer is saying, that the sound quality sucked. She sits down.

I am standing, dancing, and singing when I know the words. I'm making friends with the guys next to me. I notice I smell pot around me, I look and it's the guys standing to my left. They offer me some. I denied. Though I did get a bit of a contact high. Perfect. As the show goes on, my friend is getting increasingly annoyed at all the previous things I mentioned but now she has a new beef. "They haven't played "BLACK" yet, are they going to play that? It's my favorite song." I said, "I don't know, they should, it's my favorite song too."

Sure enough, 2 and 1/2 hours later at 11pm they had NOT played "Black", my pot smoking friends had left, hippy in the aisle was still lingering, friend was annoyed and she said she had to pee, so we got up and went to the bathroom. Pearl Jam was on their second encore, so I knew it would be over soon. We go in the car around 11:05. As we were driving away, we heard them say on the radio at 11:14 that she show had just ended and they were exiting. I bet we only missed 2 songs, and they did not play "Black" so we didn't miss anything, except that we did beat all of the traffic out.

I got dropped off at my door at 12:25. We made good time going home, despite her missing one of the turns and I having to stop and ask some large scary man w/ a Scarface shirt shooting machine guns, for directions back to the highway.

All being said, I had a great time, I just ignored my friends huffing, because I'm so use to it. I figure, I paid just as much as everyone else to be there and I wasn't going to let her ruin my night. She can ruin her own. I did say to her on the drive home. "Sorry you didn't have a good time." Her response, "It's not that I had a horrible time, it's not your fault."

Damn right, wasn't my fault.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Can't find a better man"

I should definatly be in bed, should have been about 4 hours ago. Tomorrow I have a very hectic day at work, I'm leaving from work early too.


It's the Pearl Jam concert. This is the first of two concerts scheduled. I was also suppose to go to see Bon Jovi in Dec, but I turned down the offer of going because money is getting tight these days.

It's my own fault, I'm spending money, like I have it. Though I did get a haircut and a few new shirts w/ some of this pay, so it wasn't all wasted on food and alcohol. Just the balance.

I forgot to budget the concert in. Oh well, I wasn't planning on getting any souveniers there anyway.

So tomorrow night is going to be rough. I only had about 10 hours of sleep all weekend, and tomorrow I will most likely only be getting home around 1 or 2 am. I might just end up taking a "personl" day on Tuesday. I really hate to do that, when I know I'm just going to be a couch potato all day, but my body really does need the rest. I'm tired now, so I think I will take advantage of this feeling and call it a night.

Details on Wednesday as to how good or bad the show was. This is the second time I'm seeing PJ live, so I know what I'm getting myself into. They rocked the first time, but this is at a different venue. I'm going w/ the same person I went w/ before, so I know we will have a good time, regardless.